He has given lifelong service to our synagogue and to the wider mother movement of liberal Judaism. Paul is both an accountant and a therapist and brings a great graciousness and dignity to the role.
Beverley Kafka
She brings a wealth of experience of congregational life from special education to welfare. You may see Beverley on the bimah leading services as often as she leads our council meetings.
Vice Chair
Paula Kinchin-Smith
She is a child of our community and, as a senior deputy head of a primary school, brings great educational skill and focus to our congregation. Hugely valued for her sound judgement, acting as a moral compass for our synagogue.
Roy Balint-Kurti
An active part of our community, he and his wife have celebrated the B’nei Mitzvot and Kabbalat Torah of their three children here. An experienced financial director, with a calm and level-headed approach, he ably leads us around our fiscal responsibility.
Hon Sec
Sharon Michael
Sharon joined FPS with her family 15 years ago. She brings flair to our festival events and now as a member of Council is valued for her creativity and sense of community. She marked her adult Bat Mitzvah with a group here last year.
Dan Porter
Having grown up at Kol Chai, Dan recently joined us at FPS with his partner. He brings skills as a property lawyer, important for us as we negotiate our building project for our 70th year.
Gordon Greenfield
A lifetime in the business and commercial sector, Gordon and his wife are ambitious for our community’s growth and successful outreach. His interests are membership and growth alongside dependable financial nouse. He is a treasurer for our Building Project.
James Levy
James has been a member for over 20 years. He particularly likes Shabbat Resouled although is a regular at all our services. As a litigation lawyer he brings great clarity and focus to our council and leads our Building Project with his incisive thinking.
Margot Katz
One of our four generational families and member since she was 12, Margot has a strong background in HR and organisational structures. She dedicates much time now to our synagogue bringing her brand of thoughtfulness and efficiency.
Lesley Urbach
Lesley is the founder of GTG, a holocaust educational charity working with survivors and their children. She has brought that focus and interest into FPS; her huge contribution to our synagogue has been around Social Justice, settling refugees families into Barnet. She is now editor of our bi-monthly newsletter Shofar.