It has been a busy week. An amazing moment of political activism yesterday at our neighbouring Kenwood Care Home, recording a request along with many other Care Homes for Government to commit to the LIVING WAGE for carers. Fair PAY, safe PROTECTIVE gear and EQUALITY with the NHS. Our own Deb Hermer, Margot Katz and Tamara Joseph were instrumental to this. It was beyond moving and I was proud of our community leading the call for a decent and dignified wage for these essential workers.
And now this Shabbat our wonderful Kabbalat Torah group graduate and lead us in both services. The portion Balak is perfect for them; It was Balaam’s (talking) donkey that made him, the professional soothsayer turn his curse into a blessing for the Israelites. –Mah Tovu Ohalecha Yaacov, Mishkanotecha Yisrael …How good are your tents O Jacob , your dwelling places O Israel.
It’s often from the most unlikely source that we hear how precious something is. Tune in this weekend to hear our teenager’s words of appreciation for this community…
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Rebecca
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