I never stop being thrilled that our young people flock to FPS and their activities. Of their own volition, and I am assured this is true, they choose fortnightly to be part of their KT group on Saturday evenings.
The photo shows the first year class enjoying an evening of Radio 4’s Panel Games with Jewish tasks. Highlights were singing Adon Olam to the Beatles’ Hey Jude. Playing The Unbelievable Truth they snuck facts about Rabbi John Rayner z’l and Lily Montagu past team mates. In short, they were impressive.
I share this during the week of Parashat Korach where Moses is challenged by Korach who insists in Numbers 16:3 “….all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Eternal is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the God’s assembly?” Now Korach famously was causing trouble and there is much written on his challenge for leadership, exceedingly topical at the moment. But for me in our congregation I am reminded of the truth of his statement here. When I’m not here I see how rich we are at FPS in fabulous teachers and those who lead services and organize us from our teenagers to our older folk.
Watch out for our beautifully lay-led services this Shabbat and consider learning if it takes your fancy. My door is always open to talk more how you can contribute your skills to FPS.
Shabbat Shalom to all
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