Sukkot comes up so quick after Yom Kippur. Just five days to move from that profound spiritual reflection and hope for transformation into the physicality of this festival. Building the sukkah and then hanging out in it too, with the last of the warm autumn sun shining on our faces, if we are lucky as we have been this week.
I like the sharp juxtaposition and our small sukkah at home has been just such a sanctuary. Our Delving into Judaism class built and decorated our FPS sukkah with fruit for longevity-take a peek, it’s wonderful.
We fitted in perfectly for our Sukkot service, with copious children drinking their hot chocolate as we sipped on mulled wine.
I struggle with the notion of commanding joy, Sukkot as our time of joy zeman simchateinu but there is certainly something liberating about this autumnal moment for us all.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom friend of the maturing sun,
John Keats was anticipating our Sukkot.
And onto the next after this shabbat where we celebrate Ellie Jackson’s Sukkot Bat Mitzvah, and into Simchat Torah and a celebration of learning. The joy continues.
This year we celebrate Chris Nash as our Chatan Torah and Zoe Jacobs as Kallat Bereshit with two youth Kallot Ruby Reich and Rebekah Treganna. Do join us for Simchat Torah as the last moment of the Tishri Festivals as we finish and begin again our cycle of Torah
Shabbat Shalom and then Chag Sukkot Sameach.
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