In this week’s portion, Moses gets some info from God (I’m paraphrasing somewhat). When Moses comes back down the mountain, they say his face is radiant.
I wonder what experiences in my life have left me feeling radiant. Dividing my life into those activities that do and those that don’t feels like the Biblical version of Marie Kondo’s question posed to every item we own: “Does this bring you joy?”
While it might be simplistic, surely it’s true – we should be doing more things that make us feel radiant. And I know, life doesn’t work that way; rent needs to be paid and dishwashers need to be unloaded but despite that, we can still prioritise our limited free time by asking what makes us feel radiant. I could spend my time sorting my emails and there would be some happiness at seeing an empty inbox. But, would it make me feel radiant? Probably not.
It might become my new mantra: does it make me feel radiant? [For your information, hugging cats: yes, surfing: yes, picnics: yes, dishwasher loading: no].
I hope you enjoy this week, especially if it’s half term, and I hope your activities, encounters and experiences bring radiance to your face.
Do watch Rabbi Rebecca’s thought for the week as she discusses the rather more famous moment from this portion!
Shabbat Shalom
Zoe Jacobs
Community Education & Development Manager
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