All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett, Worstword Ho! 1983
We try hard in our lives, seeking to do the best we can and floundering at times. If HHD gives us a chance to reflect then what better way than to consider our failures. What are we proud of and what do we regret?
There is the clear obligation to forgive others as Maimonides reminds in his Laws of Tshuvah It’s forbidden for a person to be cruel and refuse to be appeased. What about the way we look at our own successes and failures?
Join Rabbi Howard Cooper and me to discuss and study together (at FRS) this Saturday night before Selichot service: Fail Better.
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and so pleased Ivriah is back and Cafe Ivriah filled the Small Hall last week as the children began their lessons and we learned Kiddush. #TheNewTen #LearningJewishSkills.
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