Never before has our fragility been so apparent.
Usually we would want to pack our sukkah with uzpishin, guests, real and imagined. But this year it will be us, members of FPS who need the sukkah to meet in. Designed to be impermanent and not remotely robust, we bring ourselves into this new space.
This year it would be unsafe to squash into our usual sukkah space so there will be impermanent structures in the car park. Fabulous David Lewis will bring strong outdoor lights for us. Bring warm clothing. The service length will be understanding of us being outside!
We are tashvu k’ein taduru, we sit in the sukkah in the manner in which we dwell in our permanent homes. We make out like it is our home.
But we know as Rabbi Alan Lew z’l described; No building of wood and stone can ever afford us protection from the disorder that is always lurking all around us. So let’s bring all of that into our Sukkah this year whilst also marking our joy. This Sukkot, waving the lulav and eating and dwelling in the Sukkah, is a commandment that can only be fulfilled with joy.
We would love for you to bring fresh fruit and vegetables for the Food Bank (they will be delivered on Shabbat so families have them fresh).
Your local lulav – an opportunity to reflect on this strange time – and a message we can hang in the Sukkah about something you have learned of fragility this year.
Rabbi Rebecca
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