15/16 February 2019, 10/11 Adar I 5779

Rabbi Dr Arthur Green, a brilliant philosopher and theologian, opens his book Radical Judaism with this assertion: “As a religious person I believe that the evolution of species is the greatest sacred drama of all time. It is a tale – perhaps even the tale – in which the divine waits to be discovered. It dwarfs all other narratives, memories and images….”

I love this and will reveal more of his radical thinking at Beit Midrash this week. Creating our own sense of science, God and Judaism is the work of our lives. Probably.

So why not jettison Valentine’s Day (which is not Jewish at all*) on Thursday evening? Instead join us for our conversation about God [and that kind of love] and where it fits into our contemporary Jewish lives and experiences. This Thursday we will also be joined by Rabbi Lea Muhlstein as we discuss Liberal Judaism’s draft siddur and the language of love in that!

*[Originally commemorating the martyrdom of two Saint Valentines by Rome, and the feast of Lupercalia. Where men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. I read, it was very consensual. The day was only made romantic and popular during the time of Chaucer!]

Wishing you Shabbat Shalom. I shall be away all of next week for school half term holidays but look forward to seeing everyone on my return.

Rabbi Rebecca