Tonight brings in Rosh Hashanah. It is not the New Year we might have wanted or expected. Nonetheless, it’s ours. The fear and trembling that Iran’s attack on Israel has unleashed will be around our tables tonight. Yet we still believe that Rosh Hashanah has huge promise for us. HaYom HArat Olam is another name, this day is the birthday of the world but actually the Hebrew really suggests pregnancy and possibility – of the world and what it can be.
Yom HaZikaron
Rosh Hashanah is also known as the Day of Remembering – R. Eliyahu Ki Tov, in his Book of Jewish Awareness, calls on God who remembers all that is forgotten. May we take seriously our task to remember. May the hostages be freed and fighting end. May safety and security be assured for all and a dignified life be restored in Gaza.
Yom HaDin
The Day of judgement – may we bring our reflective observations with us as we look closely at our own hearts and souls in these first ten days of the year.
Yom T’ruah
May the shofar, sounded this year by both David Hoffman and Ian Kafka, wake us and pull us into a New Year of hope and justice.
May we make this year a good year, filled with sweetness and goodness here in our own homes and community. May our adventure out of the building be easy and interesting. May we be healthy and able to access gratitude in this New Year of 5784.
Shanah Tovah – wishing you a sweet healthy and strong new year.
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