“I found a fruitful world because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise, I am planting this carob tree for my descendants.”
Talmud Ta’anit 23a
Leaving a legacy in your will to FPS
‘A community for Straying Feet’
FPS, now in its 8th decade, prides itself on being a friendly, welcoming and supportive community which is responsive to the spiritual, educational and social needs of our members. All we do is because of our inspiring Rabbi, and the contribution of so many members who give of their time, energy and dedication. Our synagogue in North London is more than a place of worship. It is committed to justice work and cares deeply for our members and their families.
Although FPS continues to grow and attract new folk, we cannot flourish on membership fees alone. We depend on your generosity to support so much of what we offer.
We are grateful for any gift. However, by remembering us for legacy or gift in your Will, it ensures the future of our FPS for years to come and can achieve tax savings on your estate. Making a will is not difficult. But it is vitally important that it is done in the correct way with the advice of a solicitor or Will writer.
There are various ways you can leave gift:
Examples of the wording used is as follows, but we recommend professional advice, especially as each case is unique:
Whichever text you choose is followed by: FPS Registered office is situated at: 54 Hutton Grove, London N12 8DR. Its Charity Number is: 1167285
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our administrator . will be able to put you in contact with an appropriate person to guide you further. Please note that this is a “Guidance leaflet” and not intended to influence you or any of your friends or family members.
Testimonial from two members who have committed a legacy;
“I chose to give to FPS because I feel I want to return the warmth and sense of belong I have received. I want to help and this is how I can do so. “ FPS member RP.
“I grew up here-this place feels like family and I want to leave what I can to ensure its future.” CT
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