8/9 November 2024, 8 Cheshvan 5785

We have just arrived into the month of Cheshvan, traditionally in the Ashkenazi world the month with no holidays. In the States, I have seen rabbis and Jewish professionals wearing t-shirts embroidered with ‘I ♥️ Heshvan.’  Everyone needs a pass, a breath from the intensity of synagogue and the festivals of Tishri. We have properly installed ourselves in this New Year of 5785.

Rather unbelievably as a community, we have installed ourselves as guests in all the temporary homes in which we’ve been dwelling.

It’s good for the soul being a guest, being aware of the footprints we leave and of what it’s like to be a visitor. Much is written in Jewish tradition about welcoming guests, Hachnasat Orchim, but very little about being one. If we learn this during these 40 weeks, it will be a good thing. Our Mitzvah Day work will be with the Quakers, tending their garden at QMH, planting bulbs, polishing their benches and mending. It feels like such an excellent opportunity to say thank you to hosts, who are accepting no money, and loan us their space as an act of kindness and solidarity. This is precious in these times. Join us at QMH Friday 22nd November 4pm onwards.

Our focus is now on us, sustaining and thriving through these months in new and different ways. Now with our new building blog, you can track our progress over in Hutton Grove here.

As things quieten, please know that I am around, both at QMH and from my home. I remain available and energetic as always. Look out for the events our fabulous Council have been creating for eating, drinking (whiskey tasting) and just being together. Last week we had such an excellent session with Yachad at the home of Alex and Marcus Rebuck look out for our next Havdalah discussion at the home of Robin Heller and John Golding on  Saturday 16th November 3-4.30pm.

This week’s Torah portion is Lech Lecha, meaning Go, Yourself. These are the words God spoke to Sarah and Abraham, known as the first Jews, who were told to leave all that was familiar and journey to somewhere that would be good for them. Genesis 12 describes them as packing up, rather as we packed all the possessions we had acquired, as well as the people they had made in Charan. Rashi adds a comment that this included all the souls they inspired to conversion. This is why those who choose Judaism take the name ben or bat Avraham v’Sarah, son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah.

This gathering of souls has been, and will continue to be, a synagogue priority.

If you are needing more connection, please let me or Caroline know. Nurturing souls is very much our business too.

Shabbat Shalom,