31 January/1 February 2025, 2 Sh’vat 5785

Message from our Ivriah teachers:

Last weekend, the FPS community joined Southgate Progressive Synagogue for a Holocaust Memorial Day service led by our Kabbalat Torah students. The students led the service entirely on their own, incorporating reinterpreted blessings, original poetry, and writings inspired by their experience with the Harry Jacobi memorial syllabus that we used to study the Holocaust. We were also honoured to have Jacqueline Luck give an incredible presentation on her Grandmother Lela’s story.

This Saturday the 1st of February, we will celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Henry. His family are new to FPS, having approached us at the beginning of the academic year looking for a community who would enthusiastically support a Bar Mitzvah student with learning differences. Natasha and I have been working with Henry for the past several months, and the big day is fast approaching! He will be reading Parshat Bo – the story of the ten plagues. We are delighted that this family feel at home here at FPS. Ensuring that every child has access to an open and welcoming Jewish education is central to our vision at Ivriah, and Natasha and I feel strongly that a B’nei Mitzvah should be possible for any child who wants one. We encourage you all to come welcome this family into the community with us by attending Henry’s Bar Mitzvah this weekend. Mazal tov, Henry!