These quiet weeks of August have been anything but here in our synagogue as we pack, plan and proceed. However, as a few vital folk take holiday these next few days, we will be offering this week’s as a double email. Your next email will arrive on 1st Elul which is Wednesday 4th September and we will begin the Elul entry into the High Holidays together.
If not now when…. begins the famous learning from Pirkei Avot. This considering and reflecting on our past year and its enormity on the world stage will certainly take some thought. But so do our own smaller lives – and as always, it starts with where we are now.
So in these remaining days of summer, wherever you are, whatever you are remembering, recalling or looking at right now right here, I wish you time and meaning as you do so. I share a blessing based on tradition and inspired by our good friend Rabbi Professor Larry Hoffman:
Baruch Ata Adonai Melech HaOlam, she’kacha lo b’olamo
Blessed are You…whose world is filled with beauty.
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and if you need anything during these days while Caroline is away, do be in touch with me or Beverley.
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