As the American poet William Stafford once put it years ago— ‘the darkness around us is deep.’
And it is for us all. We are challenged right now as Jews in many ways with all that is happening both in Israel and beyond and of course here on our doorsteps.
Lighting the Chanukiah; bringing light to a great deal of darkness feels not just advisable but necessary. In a declaration of Jewish identity we are told to light our Chanukah candles in the windows of our homes, the more Chanukiot per household the better. Talking with our B’nei Mitzvah families there is a nervousness of such candid declarations of Jewishness whether in Enfield, Wood Green, Kilburn or even Finchley. Being asked to consider this is the task of December as Chanukah and Christmas coincide so precisely. For our mixed families perhaps it makes the season easier or maybe harder as they make choices. Whichever way the bank holidays and closing down gives a chance to retreat from daily life (and the news) and rededicate to what matters, which is the real meaning of Chanukah.
I am laid up after foot surgery. Indeed I bought our copious (the children expect hundreds) chocolate coins in November! So our Chanukiot and candle lighting will be extra specially welcome for me during this period.
Wishing you much peace and possibility in your lighting this year and hope to see you at our community moments together. (See below)
Shabbat Shalom,
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