This week, we will celebrate our Resouled Band with a special kiddush to show our gratitude for all the music they have created for us. Resouled will be a little smaller and more modest in the coming months but the tunes and the music will remain with us. Please join us this Friday to celebrate with them. Shiru L’Adonai Shir Chadash, Sing to God a New Song, said the Psalmist and so said Dean Staker and Rabbi Neil Janes over 16 years ago. The power of song and prayer are central to the spirit of FPS and Resouled is critical to that.
This week’s portion, V’Etchanan, contains the second version of the Ten Commandments. It is different particularly in the reason for keeping Shabbat. This one suggests gratitude for the Exodus from Egypt rather than the work of creation that God made.
For me this week, it speaks of repetition: the opportunity of iterations and the chances to try things again and differently. FPS has been known for its creative music and famously for Resouled which was exactly that: Shir Chadash – a new song.
Change can be daunting, sometimes even paralysing, but we must remember that newness springs from it.
Shiru L’Adonai Shir Chadash
Shabbat Shalom and see you on Friday night.
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