Lo tuchal l’hitalem. You are not allowed to ignore. This verse in the heart of Ki Teitzei You are not allowed to ignore; you are not allowed to be indifferent. Deuteronomy has this in the context of civic responsibility, literally returning lost animals. But commentators have over the generations understood this to mean cutting yourself off from others. This can mean witnessing injustice or distancing yourself from what is happening.
This past week I can honestly say that our Council and many, many members of FPS have fulfilled this obligation by showing up to help us pack up and organise our moving out of the building temporarily. It has been more than impressive, it’s been extraordinary. We have barely had to pay for our move -members have offered storage spaces, have driven and schlepped and organised, sorted and culled what we own and packed it all ready for the charming removal folk to pick everything up on Monday and Tuesday. We talk of minyan being ten adults at prayer. But it is also ‘showing up’ for each other and goodness that has happened this week. Join us for our first Shabbat in our temporary sanctuaries. It should be special. The caretakers there are working hard to welcome us and make our experience be as sensitive and helpful as possible. I am tired but supremely grateful and looking forward to this adventure. Please remember my new office is in my house and on Wednesdays at the Quaker Meeting House. Call on me as usual I am very much here.
Shabbat Shalom,
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