Watch yourselves that you do not become seduced by your desire to dominate and possess, destroying the work of Creation. For then, the Source of Creation will turn against you, and the world in which you live will no longer sustain you, and you will be lost upon the face of the earth which the Creator has provided for you.
Make these words part of your understanding and spirit, bind them to witness the works of your hands, see through them as they focus the image before your eyes, teach them to your children, discuss them at home, on the road, before your sleep and when you wake…
This alternative translation of the Shema by Rabbi David Cooper calls to mind this week’s portion, Noach, and the obligation to consider our part in the earth’s fragility. I welcome this reminder.
So much can compete for the prime place of concern in our hearts and minds right now but the earth so deserves its place. We need an opportunity to reflect on that. It is so easy to prioritise pressing dilemmas and current suffering and continue to kick our concern for Creation into the long grass.
Perhaps consider what in your life you might add or subtract to recommit to this consciousness of our place here.
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom on this Autumnal day,
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